Z. Naturforsch. 69c, 309 – 316 (2014)
Plant-Mediated Stereoselective Biotransformation of Phenylglyoxylic Acid Esters
Wanda Krystyna Mączka*, Małgorzata Grabarczyk, Katarzyna Wińska, and Mirosław Anioł
Department of Chemistry, Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Science, Norwida 25, 50-375 Wrocław, Poland. Fax. (+4871) 3284124. E-mail: wanda_m19@tlen.pl
*Author for correspondence and reprint requests
Received November 22, 2013 / March 24, 2014 / published online August 6, 2014
This work is dedicated to the memory of Prof. Agnieszka Mironowicz (1939–2012).
Enantioselective reduction of the carbonyl group of three phenylglyoxylic acid esters (methyl, ethyl, and n-propyl esters, 24) was conducted using blended plant materials (roots of carrot, beetroot, celeriac and parsley; apple). All used biocatalysts transformed these esters to the corresponding mandelic acid esters with high yield, preferably into the respective R-enantiomer. Butanedione addition improved the enantioselectivity of the reaction.
Key words: Biotransformation, Butanedione, Mandelates
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