Z. Naturforsch. 2014, 69b, 1026 – 1044
New Mono- and Bisdesmosidic Triterpene Glycosides from Pittosporum angustifolium Lodd.
Christian Bäcker1, Kristina Jenett-Siems2, Karsten Siems3, Martina Wurster1, Anja Bodtke4, Timo H. J. Niedermeyer5, and Ulrike Lindequist1
1 Department of Pharmaceutical Biology, Institute of Pharmacy, Ernst Moritz Arndt University Greifswald, Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn-Straße 17, 17489 Greifswald, Germany
2 Department of Pharmaceutical Biology, Institute of Pharmacy, Free University of Berlin, Königin-Luise-Str. 2 + 4, 14195 Berlin, Germany
3 AnalytiCon Discovery GmbH, Hermannswerder Haus 17, 14473 Potsdam, Germany
4 Department of Pharmaceutical/Medicinal Chemistry, Institute of Pharmacy, Ernst Moritz Arndt University Greifswald, Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn-Straße 17, 17489 Greifswald, Germany
5 Interfaculty Institute of Microbiology and Infection Medicine, Eberhard Karls University Tübingen, Auf der Morgenstelle 28, 72076 Tübingen, Germany
Reprint requests to Dipl.-Pharm. Christian Bäcker. Fax: +49(0)3834864885. E-mail: cbaecker@uni-greifswald.de
Received July 7, 2014 / published online October 12, 2014
This work is respectfully dedicated to the loving memory of Adelheid Bombor, a unique character and the most amiable and courageous person I have ever known (C. B.)
Fifteen new mono- and bisdesmosidic triterpene saponins, named pittangretosides J, K, M, Q–Z, A1, and B1, along with three known compounds were isolated from the leaves of Pittosporum angustifolium. By spectroscopic, mass spectrometric and chemical evidence, their structures were established as glycosides of A1- and R1-barrigenol, barringtogenol C and camelliagenin A backbones.
Key words: Pittosporum angustifolium, Pittosporaceae, Triterpene Saponins, Pittangretosides
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