Z. Naturforsch. 69a, 17 – 20 (2014)
The Averaged Null Energy Condition and the Madelung Constant for Cold Dark Matter and Energy
Friedwardt Winterberg
Department of Physics, College of Science, 1664 N. Virginia Street, University of Nevada, Reno, Reno, Nevada 89557-0220, USA
Received July 22, 2013 / revised September 12, 2013 / published online November 21, 2013
Reprint requests to: F. W.;Tel.: (775) 784-6789 Fax: (775) 784-1398 E-mail: winterbe@unr.edu
To explain the relative abundance of the dark energy and non-baryonic cold dark matter (74 % and 22 % respectively), making up 96 % of the material content of the universe, it is proposed that space is filled with an equal amount of positive and negative mass particles, satisfying the average null energy condition, and with it the smallness of the cosmological constant. This assumption can explain the relative abundance of the dark energy and cold dark matter by the Madelung constant for the gravitationally-interacting positive and negative mass particles.
Key words: General Relativity; Negative Masses; Cosmology; Madelung Constant.
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