Z. Naturforsch. 67a, 613 – 620 (2012)
Soliton Solutions, Conservation Laws, and Reductions of Certain Classes of Nonlinear Wave Equations
Richard Morris1, Abdul Hamid Kara1, Abhinandan Chowdhury2, and Anjan Biswas2
1 School of Mathematics, University of the Witwatersrand, Wits 2050, Johannesburg, South Africa
2 Department of Mathematical Sciences, Delaware State University, Dover, DE 19901-2277, USA
Received May 10, 2012 / revised June 28, 2012 / published online September 19, 2012
Reprint requests to: A. B.; E-mail: biswas.anjan@gmail.com
In this paper, the soliton solutions and the corresponding conservation laws of a few nonlinear wave equations will be obtained. The Hunter–Saxton equation, the improved Korteweg–de Vries equation, and other such equations will be considered. The Lie symmetry approach will be utilized to extract the conserved densities of these equations. The soliton solutions will be used to obtain the conserved quantities of these equations.
Key words: Lie Symmetries; Conservation Laws; Double Reduction.
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